Welcome to Nodaway County, Missouri
Nodaway County was Incorporated in 1845 with the county seat located in Maryville, MO. Our current classification is — Third Class County Township Government. Our 2010 Census population is 23,370 with an assessed valuation of $313,975,586 (2013). With 14 elected Officials our county consists of Agricultural and Industrial Businesses.
Administrator Center

403 N Market
County Clerk
County Assessor
County Recorder
County Collector/Treasurer
Juvenile Office
Extension Office
Sheriff’s Department
Meeting Rooms
Courthouse Offices
305 N Main
Circuit Judge
Associate Circuit Judge
Prosecuting Attorney
Circuit Clerk
Court Rooms
Nodaway County, Missouri Facts
The area which became Nodaway County was once a part of Indian lands covered with tall waving prairie grasses on the uplifts or “narrows”. Imagine the vast prairies heavy with game and uncluttered by trees, except along the three north-to-south rivers and the small creeks!
Missouri territory became a state in 1821, but the Indians still held the triangle to the northwest, which contained very fertile and desirable land.